Fun Fam Theo & Tahlia
Theo & Tahlia along with Dad - Len and Mom - Gaye, enjoy sharing their fun days out, exploring new toys, pranks and being kids, plus much more. You can join in with the FUN they have by watching their videos and becoming part of the Fun Fam Squad

Every month we put one of our influencers in the spotlight to find out some more about them and how they became an influencer. Today in the Influencer Spotlight we have the amazing family team Fun Fam.

How long have you been an influencer?

We started making videos for YouTube in July 2017. After watching other YouTubers, we thought it would be fun to have our own channel. That’s when we started ToysFunFam. Our first videos were family fun, days out, challenges, slime making, Vlogs, plus more. We were then asked to review toys, which we love doing.

In September 2020 we started another channel ToysFunFamGamez, this is where all of our gaming fun happens.

Theo and Tahlia loved to Game. They play Roblox games, Minecraft and Fortnite

Our gaming is proving really popular and we are hosting a weekly Game With Me session on Epic Games Rukkaz platform. Fans can apply to Game With Us and be in our live streams on this kids safe app.

We also live steam several times throughout the week on Youtube. Fans can join us playing online games and watch us play live

What kind of influencer are you?

We are Youtubers and gamers. We mainly post videos and live stream gaming.

We have 2 main channels ToysFunFam and ToysFunFamGamez.

Coming soon is ToysFunFamLife where we will be posting more of our family life.

What platforms do you share your content on?

We post to all the main platforms Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Rukkaz, Facebook and Popjam

Our gaming is proving really popular and we are hosting a weekly Game With Me session on Epic Games Rukkaz platform. Fans can apply to Game With Us and be in our live streams on this kids safe app.

Which platform is your favourite?

YouTube, closely followed by Tiktok and Rukkaz

What is the best thing about being an influencer?

We love being influencers and have so much fun. We get sent all of the latest toys to review on our channels, which are so cool. We get invited to lots of events to launch the latest products. We also enjoy meeting up with other YouTubers at events. Through YouTube and our Live streams we have met lots of new friends from all around the world that we stay in touch with.

What is the hardest part about being an influencer?

It is hard work. Filming a video can take a lot of time and can be very tiring.


What is your favourite video you have ever made?

There are so many awesome videos we have made; it’s very hard to choose from. We loved making our family Vlogs, especially the holidays. If we have to narrow it down –

Tahlia – The giant board video we made is my favourite. Plus I won £1,000

Theo – Thunderbirds Are Go video is my favourite because we got to skydive

Oh yes and don’t forget some of our TikTok dances are hilarious and we have appeared on Canadian and American TV dancing

What do you wish people knew about being an influencer?

We wish people knew how hard it is. It isn’t just about sitting in front of a camera and opening boxes. There’s a lot that goes on in the background that people do not see. Our parents have to spend a lot of time editing the videos after we have made them. They also look after all the social media content. This is all very time consuming. However If you work hard enough you can achieve anything.

What is the best opportunity you have had from being an influencer?

Tahlia – We were invited to work on a very exciting project. It was to promote the final series of Thunderbirds Are Go for ITV and CiTV. We had some amazing fun doing skydiving in a wind tunnel and made a video all about it for YouTube. We also got to try out real astronaut’s food. This is something we had never done before and it was amazing

Theo – We were invited to travel to London to promote the launch of Robozuna on ITV and CiTV and also the Robozuna Roblox game. It was a really cool event with live wrestling, which we were asked to film for YouTube. I got to go in the ring with the wrestlers and wrestle the team. I managed to choke slam a wrestler. Lol Tahlia even got the wrestlers to do a TikTok dance with her. LOL

Who is the coolest person you have met because of your channel?

Theo – Yianni from Yannimize – YouTube channel and Supercar Customizer TV show. We got to have breakfast with Yianni and launch Teamsterz Micro Motorz in London. We also got to see his super cool wrapped Lamborghini up close

Tahlia – Tiana from Toys And Me – We had a VIP invite to meet Tiana.

What was the hardest video to make?

Tahlia – What’s in the box, because I didn’t know what was going to be inside and I was really scared. I ended up touching slimy fish and other gooey horrible things. Lol

Theo – I think the hardest one, even though my favourite was Thunderbirds Are Go. I had never sky dived before so was really nervous about doing it. It was also very noisy. I soon got the hang of it though and it was awesome. I would love to do it again

whats in the box challenge

What is the best thing you have ever been gifted?

This is a really tough one to answer because there have been so many great things sent to us.

Tahlia – Tap It game. I got to challenge other YouTubers to try and beat me but nobody managed it!

Theo – All the robots from the Really Rad Robot range. They all have different fun characters.

We both also had a lot of fun with Funatic foam.

Who is your favourite influencer and why?

Tahlia – Mr Beast. He makes really great videos. Most of all he has worked really hard to get where he is and he is a great role model.

Theo – Mr Beast. He’s really funny, but most all he’s really kind and generous. I love watching him make people happy.

Where can our readers find out more about you?

On YouTube our channels are: ToysFunFam, ToysFunFamGamez, ToysFunFamLife, ToysFunFamUnboxed

On Instagram we are @Toys_Fun_Fam and also @Toys_Fun_Fam_Gamez

On TikTok @ToysFunFam_YouTube, @ToysFunFam.Gamez and also @ToysFunFam_Unboxed

On PopJam: ToysFunFam

On Rukkaz: @Toys Fun Fam Gamez

On Twitter @Toys_Fun_Fam and also @ToysFunFamGamez

On Facebook @ToysFunFam and @ToysFunFamGamez

Before you leave, don’t forget to check out our other Influencer Spotlight articles