When you hear the word cheerleading you probably immediately think of a group of bouncy American teenagers with pompoms but what if we told you that the New World Champions are actually from the UK!
team england
Team England’s youth cheerleading squad have just been crowned with the number one spot at the World Championships this month in Florida. That means they had to beat teams from Canada, Korea and Chile to get their hands on the gold medal.
The team managed to win the top prize in the Youth median co-ed division meaning they have both boys and girls in their squad, and they also won bronze with their Junior Elite co-ed team who had to beat Team USA and Team Japan. Pretty impressive!
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Competitive cheerleading is a sport on the rise in the UK for all those who love gymnastics, acrobatics, and dance. Each team has to perform a two-and-a-half-minute routine for which they are given a score based on difficulty, technical elements and style. Cheer England is proud to have teams representing every part of the UK and every style of cheerleading from HipHop, Freestyle Pom and Jazz to Adaptive Abilities and Paracheer, it really is an inclusive sport.
If you’d like to find out more about how you can take part and find a squad near you, visit Sport Cheer England on the link HERE and join some world class athletes.